Affiliation No: 2132408 , School Code: 70099

The uniqueness of our school

  • We as the joint team of IMA aiming at providing a rich and stimulating environment for the holistic development of the children. It provides students' centric education tailored to individual needs and aptitudes that nurtures and prepares them for quality life and higher Learning.
  • Hands-on and developmentally appropriate interactive learning.
  • A low teacher-student ratio in saving individual attention .
  • State of art infrastructure provided and regularly updated.
  • Located in serene and lush green environment.
  • Attractive and functional building with BALA (Building as a learning aid) elements.
  • Conduct code based on respect for self and others, fair play and impartiality.
  • Coherent and stress-free assessment charted to inspire and empower.
  • Rich learning resource Centre cum library.
  • Swimming pool.
  • Spacious and well-ventilated classrooms. Designed to facilitate free movement to choose from a wide range of learning centers and resource materials.
  • Comfortable and efficient conveyance facility.
  • Special areas for cooking gardening painting and clay work.
  • Music, dance, instrumental music, hobbies and a variety of games.

Prabhat Nagar, Raibareilly Road, Ayodhya-224001
: 9455544793, 9454134701, 9415717672
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Designed by - Deeepak Gupta