Affiliation No: 2132408 , School Code: 70099

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Academy earnestly desires to keep on improving its educational standard. Parents as stakeholders can play a significant role. In order to ensure this parent Advisory Committee represented by one parent member from every section of each class is constituted in every academic session.

The responsibilities of PAC members are as follows:

  • To interact and collect feedback from other parents of represented class/ section.
  • To attend all PAC meetings and give constructive suggestions.
  • To extend helping hand in various educational endeavours/ projects of the school.

Role of Parents

  • Parents are expected to corporate school authorities in maintaining punctuality, regularity and discipline of students.
  • They are requested to appreciate and encourage their wards to take active part in all the school activities.
  • They are required to sign their ward's Progress Report.
  • They must regularly see the student's diary and ensure that message are followed/responded to.
  • They are required to sign against the remarks of the teacher.
  • All items brought to the school should be clearly labelled.
  • Children should not bring any valuables to school. The school will not be responsible for loss of any object.
  • Parents are advised not to engage school teachers as private tutor. Private tuition is not encouraged in the school.
  • Parents should not tip any school employee.
  • Parents must notify the school for any change of address.
  • Parents must notify the class teacher of the mode of conveyance used by the student.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile/electronic gadgets/mobike/scooter/moped to the school.

Prabhat Nagar, Raibareilly Road, Ayodhya-224001
: 9455544793, 9454134701, 9415717672
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Designed by - Deeepak Gupta